Monday, August 17, 2015

Sand Tiger Finished

After a little procrastination, I sat down again and laid the opaque layers over the translucent underpainting.  I blobbed in the background fairly abstractly, but stayed faithful to the reference photo in regards to the shark's skin.  It was a tricky color to mix, there were subtle hints of yellow and pale red towards the shark's tail.  I mixed a blob of white, a dab of blue, and tiny dabs of yellow and red to get the proper color.

I'm liking this translucent-underpainting-opaque-finish method.  It lets me see where my drawing is during the first stages of the painting, and at the same time I can figure out what colors I'll need and to build the painting up.  It takes two or three layers of watered-down acrylic before I'm ready for the opaque, but the total painting time wasn't much more than 6-7 hours for this one.

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