That is one shiny little bug. I got around to a second session with this painting and finished it off, adding a more saturated red to the side of the beetle, enhancing the cool reflected light on top, and adding the details, such as the hairs on its underside and the motes of light around the highlights on its exoskeleton.
This ox beetle was painted using Holbein Acryla Gouache, which is extremely enjoyable to work with. It seems to be a good gouache for beginners (like me) because it's cheaper than other brands, handling is easy, and because it is made with a clear acryl resin rather than a cloudy acrylic emulsion, the color it is freshly applied as wet paint carries through consistently to when it dries. Give it a whirl if you have the chance.
Apologies for the color dissonance, my camera and my scanner never completely agree on hue and value, even with Photoshop acting as mediator.