Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Trapper, Part 1

The composition for the third painting of the Mercenary Mecha series is under way.  This is "The Trapper", actual mech name undecided.  What I do have down is that the Trapper lays low and fights dirty.  Laying traps, attacking from ambush, and relying on a crippling first strike are its primary tactics.  Its crew salvage anything they can use or sell off.  Prisoners are taken only if they're worth something, the Trapper is not a merciful foe.

Trying to communicate all the ideas above through a single scene is something of a challenge.  I've been busy working up thumbnails, both on paper and in digital form.  The final piece will likely be the Trapper lurching out of the night to grab a recently trapped truck or scout mech.

The Trapper's character sheet.  It has the antennas on top for keeping track of its trap-sensors, a little fanny-basket for carrying salvage, and it will have various smoke/decoy launchers to aid in any potential escape.