Monday, July 27, 2015

Space Amazons

The companion painting to go with the "Bold" post.  These space Amazons are the manly men pilots' counterpart, and they team up occasionally to clean out the pirates infesting the local shipping lanes. 

Monday, July 20, 2015

Sketches 7/20/2015 - Magic and Robots

No finished paintings this week, unfortunately, life has been busy.  Here's a peek at some of my characters for a story involving wizards, witches, and maybe hostile sentient robots.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Sharks in Acrylic

The fruits of my labor so far, in my efforts to re-learn acrylic.  These were done off photo reference.  At the moment I don't care about composition so much as mixing/matching colors properly, finding the shapes in the darks and lights, and feeling out how acrylic works.

I like the glazes I can get with acrylics; getting them evenly is what I have trouble with.  That, and estimating properly how much paint I'll need for any given area.  The individual brush strokes matter very much, the marks they leave are immediate and obvious, somewhat unlike watercolor (where the start and end of the stroke is obvious, but the water and pigment evens out in the middle of the stroke on its own).  It's not a bad thing that the brushstrokes show up; they can be incorporated into the painting.  I did just that with the shadow on the light belly of the great white, to emphasize its sleekness.  The great white's forehead was pretty well chewed up by other sharks, it was a mishmash of blue-gray shapes.  I mimicked that by blobbing colors of similar values on, so as to achieve the mottled effect.

Long story short, I am, in fact, enjoying this exploration into acrylics.  Stay tuned for more.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Sketches 7/5/15: Model Acrylics

Back to the life drawing studio, this time attempting to learn the ways of acrylics.  A big thank-you to Chelsea for modeling.